Hyper-Parameter tuning using MLFlow

Note: this post is just a draft in progress. As of now, it consists of a collection of random notes.

Before starting: https://www.mlflow.org/docs/latest/getting-started/tracking-server-overview/index.html#method-1-start-your-own-mlflow-server

import math
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

import numpy as np
import optuna
import pandas as pd
import xgboost as xgb
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

import mlflow
def generate_apple_sales_data_with_promo_adjustment(
    base_demand: int = 1000,
    n_rows: int = 5000,
    competitor_price_effect: float = -50.0,
    Generates a synthetic dataset for predicting apple sales demand with multiple
    influencing factors.

    This function creates a pandas DataFrame with features relevant to apple sales.
    The features include date, average_temperature, rainfall, weekend flag, holiday flag,
    promotional flag, price_per_kg, competitor's price, marketing intensity, stock availability,
    and the previous day's demand. The target variable, 'demand', is generated based on a
    combination of these features with some added noise.

        base_demand (int, optional): Base demand for apples. Defaults to 1000.
        n_rows (int, optional): Number of rows (days) of data to generate. Defaults to 5000.
        competitor_price_effect (float, optional): Effect of competitor's price being lower
                                                   on our sales. Defaults to -50.

        pd.DataFrame: DataFrame with features and target variable for apple sales prediction.

        >>> df = generate_apple_sales_data_with_promo_adjustment(base_demand=1200, n_rows=6000)
        >>> df.head()

    # Set seed for reproducibility

    # Create date range
    dates = [datetime.now() - timedelta(days=i) for i in range(n_rows)]

    # Generate features
    df = pd.DataFrame(
            "date": dates,
            "average_temperature": np.random.uniform(10, 35, n_rows),
            "rainfall": np.random.exponential(5, n_rows),
            "weekend": [(date.weekday() >= 5) * 1 for date in dates],
            "holiday": np.random.choice([0, 1], n_rows, p=[0.97, 0.03]),
            "price_per_kg": np.random.uniform(0.5, 3, n_rows),
            "month": [date.month for date in dates],

    # Introduce inflation over time (years)
    df["inflation_multiplier"] = 1 + (df["date"].dt.year - df["date"].dt.year.min()) * 0.03

    # Incorporate seasonality due to apple harvests
    df["harvest_effect"] = np.sin(2 * np.pi * (df["month"] - 3) / 12) + np.sin(
        2 * np.pi * (df["month"] - 9) / 12

    # Modify the price_per_kg based on harvest effect
    df["price_per_kg"] = df["price_per_kg"] - df["harvest_effect"] * 0.5

    # Adjust promo periods to coincide with periods lagging peak harvest by 1 month
    peak_months = [4, 10]  # months following the peak availability
    df["promo"] = np.where(
        np.random.choice([0, 1], n_rows, p=[0.85, 0.15]),

    # Generate target variable based on features
    base_price_effect = -df["price_per_kg"] * 50
    seasonality_effect = df["harvest_effect"] * 50
    promo_effect = df["promo"] * 200

    df["demand"] = (
        + base_price_effect
        + seasonality_effect
        + promo_effect
        + df["weekend"] * 300
        + np.random.normal(0, 50, n_rows)
    ) * df["inflation_multiplier"]  # adding random noise

    # Add previous day's demand
    df["previous_days_demand"] = df["demand"].shift(1)
    df["previous_days_demand"].fillna(method="bfill", inplace=True)  # fill the first row

    # Introduce competitor pricing
    df["competitor_price_per_kg"] = np.random.uniform(0.5, 3, n_rows)
    df["competitor_price_effect"] = (
        df["competitor_price_per_kg"] < df["price_per_kg"]
    ) * competitor_price_effect

    # Stock availability based on past sales price (3 days lag with logarithmic decay)
    log_decay = -np.log(df["price_per_kg"].shift(3) + 1) + 2
    df["stock_available"] = np.clip(log_decay, 0.7, 1)

    # Marketing intensity based on stock availability
    # Identify where stock is above threshold
    high_stock_indices = df[df["stock_available"] > 0.95].index

    # For each high stock day, increase marketing intensity for the next week
    for idx in high_stock_indices:
        df.loc[idx : min(idx + 7, n_rows - 1), "marketing_intensity"] = np.random.uniform(0.7, 1)

    # If the marketing_intensity column already has values, this will preserve them;
    #  if not, it sets default values
    fill_values = pd.Series(np.random.uniform(0, 0.5, n_rows), index=df.index)
    df["marketing_intensity"].fillna(fill_values, inplace=True)

    # Adjust demand with new factors
    df["demand"] = df["demand"] + df["competitor_price_effect"] + df["marketing_intensity"]

    # Drop temporary columns

    return df
df = generate_apple_sales_data_with_promo_adjustment(base_demand=1_000, n_rows=5000)
date average_temperature rainfall weekend holiday price_per_kg promo demand previous_days_demand competitor_price_per_kg marketing_intensity
0 2010-10-03 09:01:22.221725 30.584727 1.199291 1 0 1.726258 1 1351.375336 1351.276659 1.935346 0.098677
1 2010-10-04 09:01:22.221724 15.465069 1.037626 0 0 0.576471 1 1106.855943 1351.276659 2.344720 0.019318
2 2010-10-05 09:01:22.221720 10.786525 5.656089 0 0 2.513328 1 1008.304909 1106.836626 0.998803 0.409485
3 2010-10-06 09:01:22.221719 23.648154 12.030937 0 0 1.839225 1 999.833810 1057.895424 0.761740 0.872803
4 2010-10-07 09:01:22.221718 13.861391 4.303812 0 0 1.531772 1 1183.949061 1048.961007 2.123436 0.820779
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
4995 2024-06-06 09:01:22.211627 21.643051 3.821656 0 0 2.391010 0 1165.882437 1170.799278 1.504432 0.756489
4996 2024-06-07 09:01:22.211625 13.808813 1.080603 0 1 0.898693 0 1312.870527 1215.125948 1.343586 0.742145
4997 2024-06-08 09:01:22.211624 11.698227 1.911000 1 0 2.839860 0 1413.065524 1312.128382 2.771896 0.742145
4998 2024-06-09 09:01:22.211618 18.052081 1.000521 1 0 1.188440 0 1823.886638 1462.323379 2.564075 0.742145
4999 2024-06-10 09:01:22.211559 17.017294 0.650213 0 0 2.131694 0 1289.584771 1823.144493 0.785727 0.833140

5000 rows × 11 columns

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

def plot_correlation_with_demand(df, save_path=None):
    Plots the correlation of each variable in the dataframe with the 'demand' column.

    - df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing the data, including a 'demand' column.
    - save_path (str, optional): Path to save the generated plot. If not specified, plot won't be saved.

    - None (Displays the plot on a Jupyter window)

    # Compute correlations between all variables and 'demand'
    correlations = df.corr()["demand"].drop("demand").sort_values()

    # Generate a color palette from red to green
    colors = sns.diverging_palette(10, 130, as_cmap=True)
    color_mapped = correlations.map(colors)

    # Set Seaborn style
        "whitegrid", {"axes.facecolor": "#c2c4c2", "grid.linewidth": 1.5}
    )  # Light grey background and thicker grid lines

    # Create bar plot
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
    plt.barh(correlations.index, correlations.values, color=color_mapped)

    # Set labels and title with increased font size
    plt.title("Correlation with Demand", fontsize=18)
    plt.xlabel("Correlation Coefficient", fontsize=16)
    plt.ylabel("Variable", fontsize=16)


    # Save the plot if save_path is specified
    if save_path:
        plt.savefig(save_path, format="png", dpi=600)

    # prevent matplotlib from displaying the chart every time we call this function

    return fig

# Test the function
correlation_plot = plot_correlation_with_demand(df, save_path="correlation_plot.png")
/tmp/ipykernel_7399/3835626355.py:18: FutureWarning: The default value of numeric_only in DataFrame.corr is deprecated. In a future version, it will default to False. Select only valid columns or specify the value of numeric_only to silence this warning.
  correlations = df.corr()["demand"].drop("demand").sort_values()
correlations = df.corr()["demand"].drop("demand").sort_values()

# Generate a color palette from red to green
colors = sns.diverging_palette(10, 130, as_cmap=True)
color_mapped = correlations.map(colors)
/tmp/ipykernel_7399/1685846701.py:1: FutureWarning: The default value of numeric_only in DataFrame.corr is deprecated. In a future version, it will default to False. Select only valid columns or specify the value of numeric_only to silence this warning.
  correlations = df.corr()["demand"].drop("demand").sort_values()

def plot_residuals(model, dvalid, valid_y, save_path=None):
    Plots the residuals of the model predictions against the true values.

    - model: The trained XGBoost model.
    - dvalid (xgb.DMatrix): The validation data in XGBoost DMatrix format.
    - valid_y (pd.Series): The true values for the validation set.
    - save_path (str, optional): Path to save the generated plot. If not specified, plot won't be saved.

    - None (Displays the residuals plot on a Jupyter window)

    # Predict using the model
    preds = model.predict(dvalid)

    # Calculate residuals
    residuals = valid_y - preds

    # Set Seaborn style
    sns.set_style("whitegrid", {"axes.facecolor": "#c2c4c2", "grid.linewidth": 1.5})

    # Create scatter plot
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
    plt.scatter(valid_y, residuals, color="blue", alpha=0.5)
    plt.axhline(y=0, color="r", linestyle="-")

    # Set labels, title and other plot properties
    plt.title("Residuals vs True Values", fontsize=18)
    plt.xlabel("True Values", fontsize=16)
    plt.ylabel("Residuals", fontsize=16)


    # Save the plot if save_path is specified
    if save_path:
        plt.savefig(save_path, format="png", dpi=600)

    # Show the plot

    return fig
def plot_feature_importance(model, booster):
    Plots feature importance for an XGBoost model.

    - model: A trained XGBoost model

    - fig: The matplotlib figure object
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 8))
    importance_type = "weight" if booster == "gblinear" else "gain"
        title=f"Feature Importance based on {importance_type}",

    return fig
def get_or_create_experiment(experiment_name):
    Retrieve the ID of an existing MLflow experiment or create a new one if it doesn't exist.

    This function checks if an experiment with the given name exists within MLflow.
    If it does, the function returns its ID. If not, it creates a new experiment
    with the provided name and returns its ID.

    - experiment_name (str): Name of the MLflow experiment.

    - str: ID of the existing or newly created MLflow experiment.

    if experiment := mlflow.get_experiment_by_name(experiment_name):
        return experiment.experiment_id
        return mlflow.create_experiment(experiment_name)
experiment_id = get_or_create_experiment("Apples Demand")
# Set the current active MLflow experiment

# Preprocess the dataset
X = df.drop(columns=["date", "demand"])
y = df["demand"]
train_x, valid_x, train_y, valid_y = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.25)
dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(train_x, label=train_y)
dvalid = xgb.DMatrix(valid_x, label=valid_y)
# override Optuna's default logging to ERROR only

# define a logging callback that will report on only new challenger parameter configurations if a
# trial has usurped the state of 'best conditions'

def champion_callback(study, frozen_trial):
    Logging callback that will report when a new trial iteration improves upon existing
    best trial values.

    Note: This callback is not intended for use in distributed computing systems such as Spark
    or Ray due to the micro-batch iterative implementation for distributing trials to a cluster's
    workers or agents.
    The race conditions with file system state management for distributed trials will render
    inconsistent values with this callback.

    winner = study.user_attrs.get("winner", None)

    if study.best_value and winner != study.best_value:
        study.set_user_attr("winner", study.best_value)
        if winner:
            improvement_percent = (abs(winner - study.best_value) / study.best_value) * 100
                f"Trial {frozen_trial.number} achieved value: {frozen_trial.value} with "
                f"{improvement_percent: .4f}% improvement"
            print(f"Initial trial {frozen_trial.number} achieved value: {frozen_trial.value}")
def objective(trial):
    with mlflow.start_run(nested=True):
        # Define hyperparameters
        params = {
            "objective": "reg:squarederror",
            "eval_metric": "rmse",
            "booster": trial.suggest_categorical("booster", ["gbtree", "gblinear", "dart"]),
            "lambda": trial.suggest_float("lambda", 1e-8, 1.0, log=True),
            "alpha": trial.suggest_float("alpha", 1e-8, 1.0, log=True),

        if params["booster"] == "gbtree" or params["booster"] == "dart":
            params["max_depth"] = trial.suggest_int("max_depth", 1, 9)
            params["eta"] = trial.suggest_float("eta", 1e-8, 1.0, log=True)
            params["gamma"] = trial.suggest_float("gamma", 1e-8, 1.0, log=True)
            params["grow_policy"] = trial.suggest_categorical(
                "grow_policy", ["depthwise", "lossguide"]

        # Train XGBoost model
        bst = xgb.train(params, dtrain)
        preds = bst.predict(dvalid)
        error = mean_squared_error(valid_y, preds)

        # Log to MLflow
        mlflow.log_metric("mse", error)
        mlflow.log_metric("rmse", math.sqrt(error))

    return error
run_name = "first_attempt"
# Initiate the parent run and call the hyperparameter tuning child run logic
with mlflow.start_run(experiment_id=experiment_id, run_name=run_name, nested=True):
    # Initialize the Optuna study
    study = optuna.create_study(direction="minimize")

    # Execute the hyperparameter optimization trials.
    # Note the addition of the `champion_callback` inclusion to control our logging
    study.optimize(objective, n_trials=500, callbacks=[champion_callback])

    mlflow.log_metric("best_mse", study.best_value)
    mlflow.log_metric("best_rmse", math.sqrt(study.best_value))

    # Log tags
            "project": "Apple Demand Project",
            "optimizer_engine": "optuna",
            "model_family": "xgboost",
            "feature_set_version": 1,

    # Log a fit model instance
    model = xgb.train(study.best_params, dtrain)

    # Log the correlation plot
    mlflow.log_figure(figure=correlation_plot, artifact_file="correlation_plot.png")

    # Log the feature importances plot
    importances = plot_feature_importance(model, booster=study.best_params.get("booster"))
    mlflow.log_figure(figure=importances, artifact_file="feature_importances.png")

    # Log the residuals plot
    residuals = plot_residuals(model, dvalid, valid_y)
    mlflow.log_figure(figure=residuals, artifact_file="residuals.png")

    artifact_path = "model"

        metadata={"model_data_version": 1},

    # Get the logged model uri so that we can load it from the artifact store
    model_uri = mlflow.get_artifact_uri(artifact_path)
Initial trial 0 achieved value: 24121.290627496637
Trial 4 achieved value: 17627.692356759624 with  36.8375% improvement
Trial 6 achieved value: 17619.065644954397 with  0.0490% improvement
Trial 13 achieved value: 15464.541175097525 with  13.9320% improvement
Trial 78 achieved value: 15151.84032110638 with  2.0638% improvement
Trial 111 achieved value: 15068.55372267597 with  0.5527% improvement
Trial 135 achieved value: 15035.101308593219 with  0.2225% improvement
Trial 138 achieved value: 14929.926498849089 with  0.7045% improvement
/home/jaumeamllo/miniconda3/envs/tsforecast/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mlflow/types/utils.py:394: UserWarning: Hint: Inferred schema contains integer column(s). Integer columns in Python cannot represent missing values. If your input data contains missing values at inference time, it will be encoded as floats and will cause a schema enforcement error. The best way to avoid this problem is to infer the model schema based on a realistic data sample (training dataset) that includes missing values. Alternatively, you can declare integer columns as doubles (float64) whenever these columns may have missing values. See `Handling Integers With Missing Values <https://www.mlflow.org/docs/latest/models.html#handling-integers-with-missing-values>`_ for more details.
/home/jaumeamllo/miniconda3/envs/tsforecast/lib/python3.10/site-packages/_distutils_hack/__init__.py:33: UserWarning: Setuptools is replacing distutils.
  warnings.warn("Setuptools is replacing distutils.")
loaded = mlflow.xgboost.load_model(model_uri)
batch_dmatrix = xgb.DMatrix(X)

inference = loaded.predict(batch_dmatrix)

infer_df = df.copy()

infer_df["predicted_demand"] = inference
date average_temperature rainfall weekend holiday price_per_kg promo demand previous_days_demand competitor_price_per_kg marketing_intensity predicted_demand
0 2010-10-03 09:01:22.221725 30.584727 1.199291 1 0 1.726258 1 1351.375336 1351.276659 1.935346 0.098677 1625.751221
1 2010-10-04 09:01:22.221724 15.465069 1.037626 0 0 0.576471 1 1106.855943 1351.276659 2.344720 0.019318 1378.850586
2 2010-10-05 09:01:22.221720 10.786525 5.656089 0 0 2.513328 1 1008.304909 1106.836626 0.998803 0.409485 1190.103882
3 2010-10-06 09:01:22.221719 23.648154 12.030937 0 0 1.839225 1 999.833810 1057.895424 0.761740 0.872803 1196.694702
4 2010-10-07 09:01:22.221718 13.861391 4.303812 0 0 1.531772 1 1183.949061 1048.961007 2.123436 0.820779 1265.703003
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
4995 2024-06-06 09:01:22.211627 21.643051 3.821656 0 0 2.391010 0 1165.882437 1170.799278 1.504432 0.756489 1054.042725
4996 2024-06-07 09:01:22.211625 13.808813 1.080603 0 1 0.898693 0 1312.870527 1215.125948 1.343586 0.742145 1205.931274
4997 2024-06-08 09:01:22.211624 11.698227 1.911000 1 0 2.839860 0 1413.065524 1312.128382 2.771896 0.742145 1356.253662
4998 2024-06-09 09:01:22.211618 18.052081 1.000521 1 0 1.188440 0 1823.886638 1462.323379 2.564075 0.742145 1503.734985
4999 2024-06-10 09:01:22.211559 17.017294 0.650213 0 0 2.131694 0 1289.584771 1823.144493 0.785727 0.833140 1145.686768

5000 rows × 12 columns